
Oct 20, 2012

Harvesting sweet potatoes with my daughter

 After autumn rainy days, it was so fine today without any crowds in Osaka and was the best time to harvest my sweet potatoes, which planted about 4 months ago. My daughter was more cooperative in helping me harvest them than usual since she loves sweet potatoes and was looking forward to harvesting and tasting them for long time! Look at her digging out the potatoes with a shovel. She looks like a treasure hunter, doesn't she? 
When she found "one of her treasures", she screamed "Yeaaaaah!!!, got it!!"
 Eventually, we dug about 30 sweat potatoes and most of them were about 20 cm long or longer. This was the first time for me to grow sweet potatoes and I believe it was successful.
 Actually, I planted 3 types of sweet potatoes, Beniazuma, Annou and Naruto-Kintoki. Can you distinguish them? Beniazuma has a little red peel so it's easy to see them but other ones look almost same. 

 After harvesting them, I dried them in shade to sweeten them. The process can vaporize water in the potatoes and we can enjoy sweeter potatoes in a few days.

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